If bottling is the way forward, there are a few resources to keep in mind. A good technical chart from Palmer's How To Brew can be used to determine the proper amount of priming sugar to use. Click HERE for the link. Otherwise, generally 1 pint of water mixed with 4 oz (by weight) of dextrose priming sugar can be used for most styles of beer. Put 1 pint plus an ounce or two of water in a pot and bring to a boil for 15-20 min. Again, we're about to introduce something into the new beer so sterilizing the water is important. Then stir in the priming sugar and boil for another few min. This mixture must now be cooled to room temperature so the remaining yeast isn't harmed when mixed with the beer. A good mixing strategy is to dump the priming sugar mixture into your bottling bucket and then transfer the beer from the secondary fermenter into the bottling bucket. The mixing will take place on its own and a spoon or other device will not need to be used preventing any additional potential contamination.
Again, remember not to aerate the beer as much as possible when transferring into a bottling bucket.
Again, remember not to aerate the beer as much as possible when transferring into a bottling bucket.